Magazine Heaven

No Romance

Relationships are never easy. Just ask Matt, Dave, and Jon. Join these three thirty-something friends for a pint in the local pub as they recall their latest relationship triumphs and mishaps. Each one of them attempts to smoothly navigate their way through a relationship and hide the fact, that like most of us, they have no idea what they’re doing.Our three romantics each begin a relationship and are eager to share the juicy details with their drinking buddies. Matt is tall, good looking and charming. He meets Amy at a bar and goes to great efforts to woo her by coming across as mysterious, and showing that his generosity knows no bounds. Dave is artsy and non-conventional. He gives the world of internet dating a try and meets some ‘interesting’ characters. Eventually, he meets the lovely, but chatty, Melissa. Will Dave’s famous gaffes and legendary fear of commitment ruin their first date? Or will his quirky way of doing things win Melissa over? Jon has had enough of dating and relationships. He is depressed to hear his two best friends are in the dating game yet again. However, while out drinking with the lads his weakness for emotionally distressed goth girls is exposed and before he knows what’s happening Jon is on a date with Helena.Will their relationships have happy endings or are Jon, Matt, and Dave destined to check into the Heartbreak Hotel? Join us to find out in a comic that Mark Waid (Kingdom Come, Superman: Birthright) calls “True to Life… almost tragically so.”
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