‘No Serial Number Magazine’ is a family-run publication; sisters Alessandra and Francesa curate this beautiful magazine every season from scratch.
About No Serial Number
‘No Serial Number Magazine is a family-run print and digital publication that explores sustainability through traditional crafts and innovative design. NSN Magazine is a platform to promote designers, artisans, creative businesses, projects or otherwise realities that work according to principles of environmental sustainability. It is a humble attempt to write about how creativity, nature and activism intersect in contemporary society.’
This is a very special magazine; widely eclectic with passion oozing from its contents, it is dedicated to eco-friendly crafts, design and fashion. All the magazines are put together one by one, page by page, at a local trusted printer's and printed on recycled paper. The heart and soul of this magazine is not in its style but in its substance.
Some info about issue 14 Autumn 2018 from the 'No Serial Number' website:
Contents of the Autumn Issue 2018: Felting for good in Wales Maths, crafts and environmental politics; Weaving a road to fairer global economy; Weaving for everyone: a liberating experience of self-reflection; Artist made watercolours; Fish leather on a narrow boat; Fish leather tutorial ; Fairies and colours; The chrysalis effect; A local upcycling business and the economy of waste textiles; Thoughts about upcycling with BBC personality Jay Blades; Cleaning up our streets: chewing gum collects chewed gum; BIOHM: biomimicry disrupting the linear economy; When one’s favourite fabrics turns into beautiful quilts; Pieces that are alien to the beach; Fibre and clay in the wild; Choose to refuse: letting plastic free July inspire you, all year round; Plastic free tea; Freedom from plastic with fabric bags; Petitions and campaigns; Issues for ethical businesses; Projects for the planet; The eco crafters and entrepreneurs’ award (5th edition); Step by step tutorials and more!